Friday, February 1, 2008

On a get fly mission

If you have been around me lately you would smell that new fresh scent on me.. I'm on that new new shit maybe cause I got some cash in hand to spend now. I also noticed that I don't blog about males so often anymore, hell I dont even have time to blog lmao. Life is just getting better and I'm satisfied with or without cause my time is now consumed with shit to do or sleep.

I'm going for the more girly look which is working, Im adding more color to my life, yellow, orange, green in shit. Got the hair and nails did up and even planned to keep this shit up. Marked in my calendar for two weeks is a fill-in and when the do get fuzzy I'm heading back for some more braids. I'm still iffy with the heels but I can get fly without them.

Watch Me Do Me is my lil anthem lmao...

It also seem like my tude changed a bit with the whole girly outlook but I think its for the better, I mean I'm still and will always be goofy as hell, but I'm shittin on these dudes out here lmao.. Fuck me nigga no fuck you...

I don't even want a man now cause I'm building myself up confidence in all and I'm trying to yank me a bangin joint lmaoo.

I only need the little bit of friends I have to enjoy life with, the rest is like whatever.. Free Spirited, I'm like the breeze.

Now inhale the freshness and exhale the bullshit...